Thursday, May 12, 2011

CL in My LIfe

Pausing for almost 5minutes and let the lecturers and other classmates waiting for my answer.
 I can’t answer spontaneously if I were given a random question from my lecturer who wants my opinions about something.
 I’m clueless, my mind was blank and I feel like wanna stuck my face in a paper bag whenever I’ve been asked a question.  
When it comes to CL (critical literacy) class, I keep pray to God  that the time will running fast and keep hoping that I will not been asked from my lecturer. 
So, that was me 4 months ago.  

Excited, fun and interesting. 
That is how I described CL now. 
No more shame, stammer, blank and nervous come from me when answering a question instead, I’m confident in answering a question due to the push and encouragement from my lecturer that keep aiming me with spontaneous question.
 Oh now I know why he doing that!  ;)

CL taught me many things that I can practiced in my life. 
I’ve learned to think critically and out of the box. 
In this subject, it is essential to think critically and creatively since we are free to give our own opinion without judgments from other people as in CL, there is no right and wrong. From this, I’ve learned to release my own views and opinions about something and it helps me to gain knowledge as well.

CL now has really help me to enhance my skills of thinking and now I can speaks my views out loud without hesitation 
and Rules of 10 is just a piece of meat now! (blow nails)
Hehehe    :)
till meet ya again! bubye!!

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