Sunday, January 30, 2011

M to the U to the S to the I to the C

Can you imagine a world without music?
 I think it would be dull and leave a large hole. We’d probably have a feeling that something was missing. 
Music is a powerful thing. It evokes feelings and has the power to bring people together. Music is also a way for people to express themselves and share ideas, whether through poetic lyrics or throbbing anthems. 
 I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music rite? J

Like most people, I enjoy music bcoz I believe that music can  uplifts my spirit which, it  can put me in happy or lighter mood immediately.
 Whenever I’m feeling down, I’ll listen to Rilo Kiley, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and La Roux.
 I don’t know why.but I’ll get some kind of sensation  that I can’t tell whenever I listen to them. 
Their meaningful and inspirational lyrics can wipe away all my sadness just like that!
And it is definitely true that music can heal ! Not to forget that music can  brings back memories that can either make you smile or a bit teary.
 It’s strange how you hear a song and it brings back memories of a relationship or makes you remember a certain person / situation. 
U do have this kind of feelings? Well, I do.. J

-off the cliff-

I enjoy all sorts of music, except for the head banging and screamo rock ones. Im not being bias but seriously I have no idea at all about this kind of music.
  Warghhhhhh !! 

ragggggghhhh !!

What’s that? 
I can’t catch a word! 
I’ve asked my fren (Kay (bukan nama sebenar) ROTF! whose crazy or maybe obsessed about this genre, what is the one thing that he’s crazy bout this music? 
And he said that, he just love the instrumental that being played in this kind of music, not the song itself . 
Like, the sounds of the guitar, the beat of the drum and so on. 
 Owhhhhhh…then I know J..hihi.
 See.. The ways people see the music is different. Totally different.

-Perak’s sound-

To be honest, at first when Sir Aliff asked me what is Perak’s traditional song? I was like, err..err..ermm.. I don’t know sir. Ask Opie, he’s from Perak too. :p  Gosh..silly me!
Before this, I don’t even care bout my own state’s traditional song bcoz for me it is not important to know that kind of thing.
 But, now I realized that we have to get back on our root. 
We  have to know our own culture and I choose to learn it by music. 
Perak is popular with traditional song which is Dabus.

Dabus was brought to Malaysia via Sumatera by traders and evangelists in the 18th Century. The Dabus is popular in certain states in Peninsular Malaysia especially in Perak wher it is believed to have been first performed in Pasir Panjang, Sitiawan.
Dabus is actually a dance that is believed has the power to heal, medicate and to prevent the spread of disease.
 However this belief has diminished slightly and this dance has undergone the inevitable changes.
This dance combines three traditional arts; singing, dancing and the ability and the bravery of the dancers in using sharp equipment called the ‘anak dabus’ (a sharp equipment with a small bells at the top).
 In the original form of this dance, the dancers actually stab themselves with the 'anak dabus' and stones were hurled at them without causing any injuries.

i think enough la babbling2 from me..hehe
p/s : bubye from supercool awesome blogger  J J J

"love yourself, love the culture,love the music"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

i write finally!

at first, i've zero intention in any blog writing since writing is my big fat ENEMIES ;)
but, what to do, this new semester come with new subject which include blog writing as one
 of a MUST!
so..from now me SUPERCOOL AWESOME BLOGGER! *rotf :D